bpa free thermal paper

BPA free thermal paper roll: Toxic free, long-lasting image

bpa free thermal paper

Danger of Bisphenol-A (BPA)

In everyday life, we often overlook the seemingly harmless everyday items, such as receipts. However, the majority of thermal paper receipts contain Bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is known to be an endocrine disruptor. This can interfere with the normal hormonal functions in our bodies. Researchers have linked exposure to BPA to a range of health issues, including reproductive disorders, heart disease, diabetes, risk of certain cancers and more.

What Is BPA Free Thermal Paper Roll And What Is It Used For?

BPA-free thermal paper rolls are similar to a typical thermal paper roll but without the BPA chemicals. It is a safer alternative. They are used in many industries, such as retail, hospitality, healthcare, and more. These rolls are specifically designed to be compatible with thermal printers, allowing for easy printing of receipts.

The Importance of BPA Free Thermal Paper

BPA-free thermal paper is preferred for those who are health conscious of their customers and employees. This option eliminates the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals. This is particularly important in industries where the handling of receipts is frequent, as prolonged exposure can have detrimental effects on human health. The saying prevention is better than cure is applicable when it comes to the choice of what materials you have to be exposed to. 

Benefits of BPA Free Thermal Paper and Long-Lasting Images for End Users

Choosing BPA-free thermal paper rolls offers numerous benefits to end users.

First, the absence of toxic chemicals gives you a safer working environment. This protects the health of employees who handle printed materials regularly.

Second, you could also win your customers’ confidence by providing them with a health-conscious option.

Third, long-lasting images are important for any transaction matters, such as for record keeping, tax purposes and more.

Manufacturing BPA Free Thermal Paper Rolls with End User in Mind

Tele-Paper manufactures BPA-free thermal paper rolls, ensuring the best quality and standards for a toxic-free paper. By prioritizing the end user’s needs, we guarantee that our paper is safe, long-lasting, and compatible with a wide range of thermal printers. We also export our paper globally be it to United States, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Brazil and other regions such as Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and more. To learn more, please visit our product page or click here

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